Philomath High Robotics and Engineering Division
What is it?
The Philomath High Robotics and Engineering Division a.k.a PHRED (FIRST FTC Team 8892 and FRC Team 847) are teams of middle and high school students that participate in FIRST Competitions. They're based in Philomath, Oregon, but people come from cities all around it. We collaborate with other teams in the area to let everyone have fun and enjoy being a member of FIRST.
How Can I Join?
You want to join PHRED? Good idea. To tell us that you want to join you can use the Contact Us Form. Open that link and fill out your personal details. Where it asks "Why are you contacting us", select "Want to Join PHRED". You will then be led to a page where you fill out all your personal information. On the next page, are all the PHRED meeting times. Add any comments if you want, otherwise click "Next". You're done, and we will get back to you shortly.
How Can I help?
You can support PHRED by either volunteering or by becoming a sponsor. To do this use the Contact Us Form. Fill out your personal details and then in the question where it asks "Why are you contacting us?" select "Want to Volunteer" or "Want to sponsor". Click the "Next" Button. Add any comments if you want and then click submit.
Who are the mentors?
Lead Mentor. He supervises the mentors and assists students in all areas. He has been a member of the PHRED team since its inception..
Mechanical Mentor. In 2014, he joined the team. Dave is an engineer with HP.
Electrical Mentor. Doug founded the original FRC team and returned for the 2023 FRC season. Doug is an electrical engineer.
Software Mentor. Manages and assists in the programming of the robots. Has been a member of the team since 2017. Steve is a retired educator.
Marketing Mentor. Sharise joined the team in 2023. She works for Samaritan Health.
Mechanical mentor. Alumni of the Philomath High School Electric Car Program from the 1990s. In 2021, he became a mentor for the FRC and FTC teams. James teaches high school automotive classes.
Software Mentor. Jonathan joined the FTC and FRC teams in 2022. Jonathan works for Active911, a local tech company.
Mechanical Mentor. Erik joined the FTC and FRC teams in 2022. Erik works for a local landscaping company.